River Of Love

The Love River (爱河) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, runs from the South of the city to the North. It is especially beautiful during sunrise and sunsets. The river became a romantic place for couples to meet and therefore the river was known as the Love River.


We actually went there after dinner and was told that it was closed for the day. However, we went there again the next day as our hotel was just nearby and managed to get on to the boat ride.


Apart from the beautiful scenery provided, there are also bike paths and walkways for a walk under the stars. Musicians are sometimes seen to be playing to the crowds. There are countless attractions along the Love River that visitors and locals return to it every time.

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To enjoy a full experience of Kaohsiung, the boat tour has become a popular choice among many visitors. Plan for an entire afternoon to take a ferry ride and enjoy your journey through Kaohsiung!

– Kerri






3 thoughts on “River Of Love

  1. Great review with beautiful pictures! The review covers everything, makes me wanna go there the next time I plan for a holiday! Good job!


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